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The Stages of Evolution - Ken Wilber in conversation with Veit Lindau Part 4-5

18. Jun 2018

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One of the most important philosophers in the world today: Ken Wilber.
This interview is not only about the work of Ken Wilber, it’s about the person behind this work.

For a better overview we splitted the episode into five parts.
In Part 4/5 Ken Wilber talks about…

* the stages of development.
* and what this has to do with the culture wars.
* the different perspectives of the stages.
* his view about the world and what he thinks the world needs most.
* what you can do for the world in germany!
* the political situation – Donald Trump, Barack Obama.
* polarization.
* universal truth.
* walk your talk.

* You want to know more about Ken Wilber? For further information please visit the following websites:

* You can listen to the podcast for free everywhere on iTunes, Spotify, my blog, my YouTube channel and all podcast apps.

Find out about the ENERGIZER & HÜTER PROGRAMM – the new training from and with Veit Lindau: veitlindau-campus.com/energizer-hueter/

* I am very happy if the talk inspires you. Feel free to write me an e-mail with your feedback or wishes for more topics and guests to podcast@veitlindau.com.

With love,

Folge 39 | Love, Truth and Donald Trump - Ken Wilber in conversation with Veit Lindau
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